"A scholar who loves comfort is not fit to be called a scholar." ~Confucius, Analects

Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Ups & Downs of Lit &Tech

Is it really over? Well, this class is, but for many of us it will be the beginning of using web2.0 tools in the classrooms and moving forward into the light. I will be honest with all of you when I say that this class was not easy. I've had breakdowns, meltdowns, and sometimes felt like giving in to technical woes. But, we kept on and persevered, and in the end we are all better because of it.
This class was a whirlwind of a class. The information surrounding us, infiltrating my dreams (I watched Inception)seemed overwhelming at times, but the more literate I became, the more I was able to push through it all.
I am truly so excited to bring what I have learned in this class with me to mine. I can't wait to offer my students some of the opportunities I had. My two favorites are Prezi & Glogster! I just love the capabilities and and presentation formats. I know my students will create great things with these web2.0 tools and understand what they've learned that much more because of these tools.
I left this class with an enormous amount of information to share with my colleagues that I know they will use and experiment with. I feel that much more excited about having a smart board where I can illustrate how to use these tools for my students, collaborate during class, and use as a presentation tool to introduce web2.0 tools.
Literacy is not just reading & writing anymore. There is a whole world out there ready to be tackled and that world is on the web!

Some Blogs I have responded to:
Canaan Bump -"Let's not Talk, Let's Tweet"
Kayleigh Willard -"Rubistar to the Rescue"
Kimberly Driscoll -on her overall use of applications and widgets to design her blog
Concepcion- "First Webex Experience and Week 1"

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